Saturday, 20 August 2016

Weblogs as an Emerging Genre in Higher Education

Weblogs as an Emerging Genre in Higher Education

A weblog, sometimes written as web log or Weblog, is a Web site that consists of a series of entries arranged in reverse chronological order, often updated on frequently with new information about particular topics. The information can be written by the site owner, gleaned from other Web sites or other sources, or contributed by users. In higher education weblogs are used for different purposes such as researches, assignment submissions and for the development of critical intellectual voice and they are also used to stimulate student interests in large notion of social constructive information. Blogs also serve as a platform where students can write about their experiences, thoughts, opinions and feelings. Weblogs also help students by improving their writing skills and also blogs allow social and psychological interactions between blogger.

I don't have much experience with blogging because I made my own blog for academic purposes. Though I have seen that people use blogs for different reasons. I have learned that blogs improve one's blogging skills and also their grammar and vocabulary becomes improved as they blog, I have also learned that blogs can be linked to other social media applications such as facebook, twitter and google + where people can share their blog posts for others to read and comment with constructive criticism and also giving others a platform to share their views on the chosen topic. Lastly I have learned that when one blog overtime their language becomes improved and precise.

The effective use of blogs can be improved in higher education by lecturers encouraging their students to create blogs and read other blogs which will help them by improving their blogging skills. Lecturers can allow students to come up with different topics which they think impact on their lives in a positive and also negative way and in that way students will share their views which will lead to very powerful debates as they will be tackling issues with one's own understanding. Lastly lecturers can open class blog pages for their students where they will be discussing topics in their modules and also giving students a platform to ask questions and get answers direct from their lecturers.